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For all those struggling with body love / body acceptance
#bodypositivity #eatingdisorderrecovery #antidiet #ellesnow #nutritiontolive

Morning prep; chill and ground
Got a busy day ahead of consults so I like to get mentally prepared by the simple grounding exercise of feeling the sand between my toes and the cool water of the beach.
Immersing yourself in cold water, such as having a cold shower or bath, can lower you heart rate, increase the feel good endorphins and reduce the stress inducing hormone cortisol.
A simple technique that may help to ease symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. It may also be used as a “circuit breaker” to help stop the habit of turning to or away from food (disordered eating) as a means to cope with emotions.

Body talk

This is how I spent a chunk of my childhood and teens, upside down.
Gymnastics is a demanding sport and it has a tough body ideal; girls have to remain child like but have the strength of a man... just weird. Sadly I lost a team mate to Anorexia Nervosa, she died at 14. In the sport my statue worked well but outside of the sport I was teased for being little, even as an adult I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been patted on the head for being a bit over 5ft. I survived gymnastics without developing an eating disorder but not some amount of body shaming. I know though my experience doesn’t compare with the amount of shaming and discrimination those in larger bodies have to deal with.
So what’s the best way to talk about other people’s bodies, whatever size or shape they are?
Simple... don’t!
#bodypositivity #eatingdisorderrecovery disorders #nutritiontolive #ellesnow #edrecovery #dietculture #nutrition #bodyacceptance

Change to bring about wellness is something I guide others with all the time and it can start with the smallest change in thoughts with powerful results. The power of the conscious and subconscious mind is amazing.
#nutritiontolive #wellness #bodypositive

Doing it face to face
Face to face consults for eating disorders/disordered eating fortnightly at BodyMatters.
#eatingdisorderrecovery #disorderedeating #selflove #nutritiontolive #ellesnow #nourishtoflourish

Are we listening to the body we walk around in?...

Read more about intuitive eating at
#bodyrespect #bodypositivity #foodfreedom #selfcare #intuitiveeating #dietitian #ellesnow

Happy World Egg Day!
Yes it’s a thing...
Eggs are amazing sources of high quality protein and 13 vitamins and minerals. But here’s a lesser known fact, they contain choline which helps with a baby’s brain and spine growth during pregnancy and also helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s.
#nutritiontolive #nutrition #ellesnow #nutritionist #eggs #nourish
Photo by Jodi Mucha Unsplash


Elle Snow Nutritionist / Accredited Practising Dietitian
BSc(Hons) Post Grad Dip Nut & Diet

With a wealth of experience in nutritional support Elle’s philosophy is that food is to be enjoyed. Food is medicine for the body and the soul. Nourishing your body for health is not about depriving or obsessing.


The other day my seven year daughter said to me ‘Mummy how come your stomach is sticking out?” Kids are great with all sorts of little gems that can put us on the spot...

You can read this blog post in the articles section of my new website which launches soon. Watch this space.


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